24 Hours to Save Myanmar's Democracy!
mytvmyanmar #myanmar #myanmarnews 24 Hours to Save Myanmar's Democracy! 24 hours to save myanmar's d ...View More
Myanmar: Displaced by conflict, farmers grow opium poppies to survive • FRANCE 24 English
Last year, Myanmar became the world's biggest producer of opium, harvesting 1080 tons. While opium p ...View More
Thousands freed from online scam hubs in Myanmar • FRANCE 24 English
Around 10000 people, mostly foreigners, have been freed from telecom fraud operations in Myanmar in ...View More
Medical care for Myanmar refugees paralysed as Trump shutters USAID • FRANCE 24 English
US President Donald Trump's decision to freeze foreign aid programmes and effectively shut down USAI ...View More
Junta militar de Myanmar extiende el estado de emergencia seis meses más • FRANCE 24 Español
La Junta militar de Myanmar aprobó por unanimidad la extensión del estado de emergencia. Cuatro años ...View More
Myanmar's Protests Shook the Globe
mytvmyanmar #myanmarnews #myanmar Myanmar's Protests Shook the Globe myanmar's protests shook the gl ...View More
Myanmar's Protests Shook the Globe
mytvmyanmar #myanmarnews #myanmar Myanmar's Protests Shook the Globe myanmar's protests shook the gl ...View More
Myanmar's Protests Shook the Globe
mytvmyanmar #myanmarnews #myanmar Myanmar's Protests Shook the Globe myanmar's protests shook the gl ...View More
Did Musk give a Nazi salute at Trump's inauguration parade? • FRANCE 24 English
Elon Musk, the world's richest man and a staunch ally of US President Donald Trump, ignited online b ...View More
Amnistía para cerca de 6.000 presos en Myanmar • FRANCE 24 Español
La Junta Militar de Myanmar anunció este sábado 4 de enero una amnistía para 5.864 presos, incluidos ...View More
Afghanistan, Birmanie, Soudan... les crises oubliées de 2024 • FRANCE 24
En 2024, des crises majeures continuent de secouer l'Afghanistan, la Birmanie et le Soudan, avec des ...View More
CPI ordena arresto contra líder de junta militar de Myanmar por crímenes contra los rohingyas
Karim Khan, fiscal general de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) anunció la orden de detención contr ...View More
More than 2 million face imminent famine in Rakhine state in Myanmar, UN report says • FRANCE 24
Myanmar's war-torn Rakhine state is facing 'unprecedented disaster' with looming famine and 'total e ...View More
Myanmar y otros países del sudeste asiático enfrentan los efectos de las incesantes lluvias
Más de 3.600 habitantes de Myanmar han sido desplazados por las inundaciones que dejan decenas de mu ...View More
Southeast Asia ravaged by deadly floods, landslides after Typhoon Yagi • FRANCE 24 English
Hundreds of villagers in Myanmar waded or swam through chin-high waters, fleeing severe floods aroun ...View More
Myanmar junta requests aid after deadly floods: 'They use aid for weapons' • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's junta chief made a rare request Saturday for foreign aid to cope with deadly floods that h ...View More
Jóvenes de Myanmar huyen a la vecina Tailandia para evitar el servicio militar obligatorio
La junta militar de Myanmar, que tomó el poder en febrero de 2021, enfrenta una creciente resistenci ...View More
L'Asie du Sud-est étouffe toujours sous une canicule record • FRANCE 24
La Birmanie a enregistré un record inédit de chaleur pour un mois d'avril: 48,2°C. Toute l'Asie du s ...View More
Climate change: From Myanmar to the Philippines, heatwave scorches parts of Asia • FRANCE 24
Large swaths of Asia are sweltering through a heatwave that has topped temperature records from Myan ...View More
Ciudadanos de Myanmar huyen hacia Tailandia por enfrentamientos entre junta militar y grupos étnicos
Unas 4.000 personas huyen a diario hacia Tailandia huyendo de los enfrentamientos entre la junta mil ...View More
Myanmar's war on rebels: Junta loses key town on Thai border • FRANCE 24 English
Troops in Myanmar have confirmed they've withdrawn from their positions in a trade hub near the bord ...View More
Exodus to Thailand continues after fall of key Myanmar border town • FRANCE 24 English
A stream of people, some fearing air strikes, queued at a border crossing to flee Myanmar early on F ...View More
Myanmar Witness: how online investigators counter the junta's narrative • The Observers
Thanks to the work of a group of investigators called “Myanmar Witness”, we know when and where the ...View More
Birmanie : une "attaque surprise d'une ampleur sans précédent" contre la capitale Naypyidaw
Cyril Payen, grand reporter à France 24, livre son décryptage sur l'attaque de drone qui a eu lieu c ...View More
Los jóvenes de Myanmar toman las armas contra la junta militar • FRANCE 24 Español
Hace tres años en Myanmar, el 1 de febrero de 2021, los militares dieron un golpe sorpresa y encarce ...View More
Junta 'losing control on the ground', Myanmar's opposition foreign minister says • FRANCE 24
Zin Mar Aung, the foreign minister in Myanmar's opposition National Unity Government (NUG), spoke to ...View More
Myanmar's armed resistance movement: A threat to the junta? • FRANCE 24 English
FRANCE 24's Constantin Simon filmed this week's exclusive Reporters show on the young people in Myan ...View More
Exclusive: Myanmar's young people take up arms against junta • FRANCE 24 English
Our reporter Constantin Simon managed to secretly enter Myanmar, where he filmed the fighting betwee ...View More
Subscribe to France 24 now: https://f24.my/YTen LIVE - Watch FRANCE 24 English 24/7 here: https://f2 ...View More
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : https://f24.my/YTfr En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : htt ...View More
Junta militar de Myanmar ordena el servicio militar obligatorio para ambos sexos
En Myanmar, la junta militar en el poder ha anunciado el servicio militar obligatorio para todos los ...View More
Myanmar: guerrillas luchan contra los militares tres años después del golpe de Estado
Se cumplen tres años del golpe de Estado en Myanmar y hasta ahora no hay señales de una transición d ...View More
Myanmar air strikes: How an NGO's report poked holes in junta's narrative • FRANCE 24 English
This Thursday marks three years since Myanmar's military seized power in a coup, and the country is ...View More
Myanmar's military govt pardons nearly 10,000 prisoners to mark Independence Day • FRANCE 24
Myanmar's military government on Thursday pardoned nearly 10000 prisoners to mark the 76th anniversa ...View More
High-impact 'drop bombs' retaking the sky from Myanmar junta • FRANCE 24 English
Four kilometres away from a Myanmar military position pro-democracy fighters load up their latest of ...View More
‘I can’t stand the injustice’: The Myanmar women taking up arms against the junta
Among those taking up arms against Myanmar's military junta are hundreds of women, who have flocked ...View More
Alerta por masiva llegada de rohingyas a Indonesia procedentes de Myanmar • FRANCE 24 Español
En las últimas horas, dos embarcaciones con más de 300 mujeres y niños pertenecientes a la minoría é ...View More
Birmanie : ces groupes armés qui mettent la junte militaire au pouvoir en difficulté • FRANCE 24
Reportage rare dans un pays fermé aux journalistes, la Birmanie. Deux ans après le coup d'Etat, la r ...View More
Myanmar junta under pressure as insurgents gain ground • FRANCE 24 English
Fighting has been raging in northern part of Shan state since the Arakan Army, the Myanmar National ...View More
Chinese navy ships visit Myanmar amid heightened security tensions • FRANCE 24 English
Three Chinese navy ships have arrived in Myanmar on a goodwill visit as part of renewed defence enga ...View More
Myanmar rebels' offensive: Junta faces biggest threat since 2021 coup • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's junta faces its biggest threat since it seized power two-and-a-half years ago. For the fir ...View More
Países de la Asean piden un alto al fuego inmediato en Myanmar • FRANCE 24 Español
Myanmar vive sus semanas más convulsas tras varios ataques coordinados de las insurgencias contra la ...View More
'Please bear with us': Amid 'civil war', Myanmar junta seeks to reassure Chinese government
Myanmar's junta-backed president said the country is at risk of breaking apart if the military canno ...View More
Myanmar: junta militar desmintió la toma de los grupos étnicos, pero ordenó una contraofensiva
Los grupos étnicos rebeldes en Myanmar declararon haber retomado el control de varias posiciones mil ...View More
Myanmar: La resistencia armada del grupo étnico Chin a la junta militar
Desde el golpe de Estado de febrero de 2021 en Myanmar, los rebeldes del Ejército Nacional Chin (CNA ...View More
Myanmar: the Chin resistance
Subscribe to France 24 now: https://f24.my/YTen LIVE - Watch FRANCE 24 English 24/7 here: https://f2 ...View More
Myanmar: Inside the Chin ethnic group's armed resistance to ruling junta • FRANCE 24 English
Since the February 2021 coup in Myanmar, the Christian Chin ethnic minority has taken up arms to def ...View More
FRANCE 24 English – LIVE – International Breaking News & Top stories - 24/7 stream
Watch FRANCE 24 live in English on YouTube for free: all the latest International News broadcasted f ...View More
The leaders of nine South East Asian nations gather in Jakarta for the 43rd ASEAN summit
Indonesia's President Joko Widodo is hosting leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations i ...View More
ASEAN summit: Myanmar crisis and South China sea tensions set to dominate talks • FRANCE 24
South Asian leaders are meeting in Indonesia right now, for the annual ASEAN summit, where there are ...View More
Myanmar: Rebels clear mines with shovels and bare hands • FRANCE 24 English
Amnesty International has accused Myanmar's military junta of laying landmines on a "massive scale" ...View More
Myanmar junta pardons ex-leader Aung San Suu Kyi for five offences • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's ruling military pardoned on August 1 jailed former leader Aung San Suu Kyi on five of the ...View More
Junta militar de Myanmar anuló cinco de los 19 delitos de Aung San Suu Kyi • FRANCE 24 Español
La exmandataria Aung San Suu Kyi fue parcialmente indultada por el Ejército gobernante que le retiró ...View More
Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi has some of her prison sentences reduced • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's military-led government has reduced the prison sentences of ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi ...View More
Myanmar junta officially postpones election promised after 2021 coup • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's military-controlled government has extended the state of emergency it imposed when the arm ...View More
Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi moved from prison • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who was ousted in a 2021 military coup, has been moved fro ...View More
Myanmar residents hunt for water as UN asks junta for access • FRANCE 24 English
Residents of Myanmar's cyclone-ravaged Rakhine state capital queued for rice and drinking water on W ...View More
ArandaProduccionesTV Suscribete https://bit.ly/SuscribeteAPTV Líder en Noticias de Perú, América ...View More
Ciclón 'Mocha' golpeó Myanmar y Bangladesh dejando destrucción a su paso
El ciclón Mocha tocó tierra con vientos de hasta 195 km/h, derribando postes eléctricos y destrozand ...View More
Deadly cyclone Mocha strikes Myanmar • FRANCE 24 English
At least three people were killed in Myanmar when Cyclone Mocha tore through the west of the country ...View More
Lavrov in Brazil: Russian foreign minister meets counterpart in Brasilia • FRANCE 24 English
Critics accuse Brazil of swapping Russian fertilizer, key for its soybean crops, for a free pass on ...View More
Fernando Pedroza: "Las repercusiones del ataque en Myanmar van a ser declaraciones y nada más"
Nubes de un humo espeso y el esqueleto de un edificio. Son los restos que quedaron en Kanbalu, en el ...View More
Birmanie : une attaque aérienne contre un village fait des dizaines de morts • FRANCE 24
Des dizaines de personnes ont trouvé la mort dans l'une des attaques aériennes les plus meurtrières ...View More
Al menos 100 personas fallecidas en ataque aéreo de junta militar de Myanmar • FRANCE 24 Español
La junta militar de Myanmar confirmó que realizó un ataque aéreo en contra del municipio de Kanbalu, ...View More
Myanmar military airstrikes on village: Junta confirms deadly attack, up to 100 people killed
Myanmar's ruling junta has confirmed that it carried out an air strike on a village in which dozens ...View More
Myanmar air strikes leave a hundred civilians dead, including children • FRANCE 24 English
The military regime in Myanmar has confirmed that it did indeed carry out an airstrike in the countr ...View More
En Birmanie, la popularité du Lethwei, une boxe ancestrale ultraviolente • FRANCE 24
En Birmanie, le Lethwei est un sport de combat traditionnel réputé pour sa grande violence. Dans un ...View More
Sylvie Brieu. Interview on France 24, focus on Burma
Freedom of Speech in Myanmar.
Dos años después del golpe, la junta de Myanmar combate a la oposición con fuego
Han pasado dos años desde que la junta militar en Myanmar tomó el poder, derrocando en un golpe de E ...View More
Myanmar en cifras, tras dos años del golpe y su consiguiente gobierno militar
La llegada de la junta militar al poder en 2021 ha causado, entre otros, más de 1,5 millones de desp ...View More
Myanmar cumple dos años bajo un Gobierno militar y con una resistencia armada
El golpe de Estado en Myanmar llega a su segundo aniversario. Luego de una breve experiencia democrá ...View More
Myanmar coup 2 years on: Streets empty in protest on coup anniversary • FRANCE 24 English
Protesters marked the two-year anniversary of Myanmar's military coup with a "silent strike" in majo ...View More
Two years on: Myanmar's junta is fighting opposition with fire • The Observers - France 24
It's been two years since the military junta in Myanmar seized power, ousting the country's democrat ...View More
Myanmar opium farming booming after coup, UN finds • FRANCE 24 English
Opium poppy production in Myanmar ramped up dramatically following the 2021 military coup, the UN's ...View More
Suu Kyi sentenced: What did this latest guilty charge demonstrate about the junta? • FRANCE 24
Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been sentenced to a further seven years in prison for c ...View More
Suu Kyi convicted for corruption, jailed for total of 33 years • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been sentenced to a further seven years in prison over ...View More
Myanmar junta court convicts Aung San Suu Kyi of corruption, hands down 7-year sentence
A Myanmar junta court sentenced ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi to seven years in prison for ...View More
Myanmar: The DIY weapons factories arming anti-junta fighters • FRANCE 24 English
Militias fighting the military junta in Myanmar have turned to making their own DIY weapons, includi ...View More
En las entrañas del inquebrantable movimiento de resistencia de Myanmar
El 1 de febrero de 2021, el Ejército birmano retomó el poder, poniendo fin a un paréntesis democráti ...View More
Inside Myanmar's enduring resistance movement • FRANCE 24 English
On February 1, 2021, the Burmese army retook power, brutally ending a decades-long period of democra ...View More
Birmanie : la résistance à toute épreuve • FRANCE 24
Le 1er février 2021, l'armée birmane reprend le pouvoir, mettant brutalement fin à une parenthèse dé ...View More
Myanmar: Burnt villages and rebel patrols in battle-scarred north • FRANCE 24 English
Villages in Myanmar's northwest Sagaing Region have been turned into smouldering ruins in what local ...View More
ASEAN chair warns of Myanmar peace plan rethink if executions continue • FRANCE 24 English
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will be forced to reconsider a peace plan agreed ...View More
UN Security Council condemns Myanmar executions
myanmar united nations un news aung san suu kyi politics burma junta world news asia human rights br ...View More
Repudio internacional por la ejecución de activistas prodemocracia en Myanmar • FRANCE 24
Los medios de comunicación controlados por la junta militar en Myanmar, informaron que cuatro activi ...View More
Myanmar, from democracy to military dictatorship • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's junta has executed four prisoners including a former lawmaker from Aung San Suu Kyi's part ...View More
Junta militar de Myanmar ejecutó a cuatro presos, dos eran políticos opositores
La junta militar de Myanmar, en el poder tras el golpe de Estado de 2021, ejecutó a cuatro presos en ...View More
Myanmar junta condemned for execution of 4 democracy activists • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's ruling military has executed four democracy activists accused of helping to carry out "ter ...View More
'I am heartbroken': Pro-democracy activist reacts to Myanmar's execution • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's military authorities have executed four democracy activists accused of helping carry out " ...View More
Myanmar executes ex-lawmaker, 3 other political prisoners • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's government confirmed Monday it had carried out its first executions in nearly 50 years, ha ...View More
Myanmar executes democracy activists in new turn against dissent • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's junta has executed four prisoners including a former lawmaker from Aung San Suu Kyi's part ...View More
Myanmar executes democracy activists in new turn against dissent • FRANCE 24 English
Myanmar's junta has executed four prisoners including a former lawmaker from Aung San Suu Kyi's part ...View More
Corte Internacional se declara competente para juzgar presunto genocidio en Myanmar
La Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) rechazó los reclamos de Myanmar y seguirá adelante con la i ...View More
PPN World News - 24 June 2022 • Humanitarian crisis in Myanmar • USA gun control • Afghanistan quake
Perpetual Pixel News International world news headlines and breaking news today. Please like and sub ...View More
War crimes in Myanmar: Junta uses air strikes as 'collective punishment' (Amnesty) • FRANCE 24
Myanmar has been in chaos since last year's coup, with conflict spreading across the Southeast Asian ...View More
Myanmar's civilian president claims resistance controls nearly half of country • FRANCE 24 English
Duwa Lashi La is the acting president of the National Unity Government (NUG) of Myanmar, a parallel ...View More
Myanmar: el Tribunal de la Junta militar condena a Suu Kyi a cinco años de prisión por corrupción
La exlíder de Myanmar recibió una nueva sentencia luego de que los magistrados, impuestos por los mi ...View More
Myanmar's Suu Kyi handed 5 year jail term for corruption • FRANCE 24 English
A court in military-ruled Myanmar sentenced deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi to five years in jail on ...View More
En Myanmar, cientos de personas fueron liberadas de prisión por el año nuevo budista
En Myanmar, la junta militar dio el tradicional perdón por el año nuevo budista. Cientos de personas ...View More
Fernando Pedrosa: "Veremos un costo político para los aliados de Myanmar" • FRANCE 24 Español
El gobierno del estadounidense Joe Biden ha determinado formalmente que la violencia cometida contra ...View More