Nearly 500 detained in Myanmar, hackers target military websites

Anti-coup protesters in Myanmar are refusing to back down despite fears of a violent crackdown by th ...View More

Protests grow in Myanmar despite internet restrictions and police crackdowns

Tens of thousands of demonstrators filled the streets in Myanmar Wednesday to protest former civilia ...View More

Mynamar anti-coup protesters keep taking to the streets | DW News

Thousands of anti-coup protesters took to the streets of Myanmar on Wednesday in even larger demonst ...View More

Myanmar/Burmese News/Hlaing Win နေရာ

Myanmar Burmese media songs news.

Kyaw Win, #BHRN, interview with Al Jazeera News on Burma Coup

Executive Director of Burma Human Rights Network, U Kyaw Win live interview with Al Jazeera News on  ...View More

Roads blocked in Yangon as thousands protest Myanmar coup - BBC News

Dozens of vehicles are blocking key roads across Myanmar's main city Yangon, in what appears to be a ...View More

Suu Kyi brought to court without any warning | Myanmar top news | Military coup |Latest English News

Demonstrators hold posters of detained Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi during the ongoing protest ag ...View More

Myanmar's Killing Fields (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

An investigation of the Myanmar military's violent crackdown on the Rohingya Muslim minority — an ef ...View More

UN Special Envoy on Myanmar: "Unity around the world is very important to not accept this coup"

Authorities in Myanmar filed a second charge against the country's ousted civilian leader Aung San S ...View More

Myanmar blocks internet for second night in bid to choke protests

The United Nations has warned Myanmar's military leaders of "severe consequences" if they respond vi ...View More

Myanmar: 77th battalion soldiers spotted on roads | Military coup | Protests | Latest English News

Myanmar's de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, was arrested alongside other senior officials, after th ...View More

Gravitas: WION reads responses from Myanmar

The citizens of Myanmar continue to write to WION. They seem determined to challenge the Military ru ...View More

Myanmar: Army orders arrest of coup opponents | Military announces legal manoeuvres| WION World News

Myanmar's new military rulers have stepped up measure like arresting the politicians and activists a ...View More

Myanmar protests resume, internet restored as military circles

Myanmar's military has opened fire on a crowd of protesters in the second largest city of Mandalay,  ...View More

Myanmar's military warns protesters could face prison - BBC News

Myanmar's military has warned anti-coup protesters across the country they could face up to 20 years ...View More

Myanmar military junta deploys troops and armored vehicles | DW News

Security forces in Myanmar deployed extra troops and armored vehicles around the country on Monday a ...View More

Tanks deployed and shots fired at protesters as Myanmar tensions rise

The Myanmar army has been deployed into major cities and shots fired into crowds of demonstrators as ...View More

Huge rallies in Myanmar for ninth day as army steps up arrests

Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Myanmar's big cities for a ninth day of ant ...View More

What’s happening in Myanmar?| Start Here

The military in Myanmar has detained Aung San Suu Kyi and deposed her government. The generals accus ...View More

Myanmar coup: Military pushes punitive cybersecurity bill

Myanmar's military rulers are granting themselves new powers to monitor, search, and detain people i ...View More

Phil Robertson Speaks to DW 12 Feb 2021 Myanmar Democracy

Speaking to #Germany's Deutsche Welle TV network on the crackdown against the #Myanmar protesters fi ...View More

Phil Robertson Speaks to DW 13 Feb 2021 Myanmar Democracy

Discussion with Germany's Deutsche Welle TV on #Burma democracy and human rights protests...

BBC News, 2021, Burma (Myanmar) Primer on recent Burmese history (How did we get here?)

This is a primer on the history of the democratic movement in Burma/Myanmar. Here are some important ...View More

How will Myanmar's military respond to protests? | Inside Story

Protesters in Myanmar have faced arrests, curfews and some internet blackouts for several days now.  ...View More

Myanmar military junta accused of nighttime kidnappings | DW News

The UN's top human rights body has passed a resolution urging Myanmar's military to immediately rele ...View More

Myanmar coup: What led to the military seizing power? - BBC News

When the military seized power through a coup in Myanmar, many around the world were caught by surpr ...View More

Hundreds of thousands protest in Myanmar, UN Security Council convenes

Hundreds of thousands of people have joined nationwide pro-democracy protests in Myanmar in defiance ...View More

Myanmar military coup: UN Human Rights adopts resolution

UN Security Council members have called for the immediate release of detained activists. - Subscribe ...View More

Myanmar protests: US seeking to counter Chinese influence in the region | WION-VOA Co-production

US President Joe Biden has threatened to reinstate sanctions. However, China blocked a UN Security C ...View More

Myanmar’s military grants amnesty to more than 23,000 prisoners

Protesters in Myanmar have held their seventh day of rallies against this month's military coup. The ...View More

Myanmar: UN Human Rights Council spotlights human rights violations | DW News

The United Nations' top rights body opened an urgent session on the Myanmar military coup on Friday, ...View More

Gravitas: Is Myanmar slipping into China's grip?

The fears have come true. Chinese planes have landed in Myanmar. Protesters say the planes carry 'ar ...View More

Myanmar police join protest movement

Myanmar's junta leader has urged government workers to return to work after six days of mass demonst ...View More

US to impose sanctions on military leaders in Myanmar, Biden says

The United States is imposing sanctions on Myanmar's army leaders for carrying out a military coup o ...View More

Biden Delivers Remarks On Administration’s Response To Coup In Myanmar | NBC News

Watch live coverage as President Biden delivers remarks on the administration's response to the coup ...View More

Gravitas Live With Palki Sharma Upadhyay | Myanmar: Crackdown after the coup | English News

On Gravitas Live With Palki Sharma Upadhyay: It's been 10 days since the MyanmarCoup. What is the wo ...View More

Myanmar protests continue after violent crackdown

Protesters in Myanmar returned to the streets for a fifth consecutive day and a day after rallies we ...View More

Myanmar: Military raids NLD party headquarters | DW News

The US on Tuesday condemned violence against protesters in ongoing protests against a military coup  ...View More

The situation in Myanmar 'could get really, really bloody'

Melbourne University Professor Michael Wesley says it appears the military regime has decided to "re ...View More

Growing anti-coup protests in Myanmar meet strong military resistance

The military has cracked down on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar after four days of peaceful protest ...View More

'We will fight until we win': Myanmar protesters march again, defying ban on gatherings

Demonstrators against #Myanmar's military takeover took to the streets again Tuesday in defiance of  ...View More

Myanmar forces fire rubber bullets, warning shots at protesters

Police in Myanmar's capital Naypyidaw fired gunshots into the air on Tuesday to disperse demonstrati ...View More

Myanmar protesters defy ban on gatherings | DW News

Security forces in Myanmar on Tuesday used rubber bullets and tear gas against anti-coup protesters  ...View More

Civil disobedience movement obstructs Myanmar COVID-19 vaccination program | English News | WION

A campaign of Civil Disobedience has swept through Myanmar. Doctors and nurses are protesting as the ...View More

Water cannon fired on peaceful protestors in Myanmar as tensions escalate

Police have fired a water cannon on peaceful protestors in Myanmar's capital in efforts to disperse  ...View More

Myanmar's military ruler pledges to hold new election in first TV address since coup

Myanmar's military ruler has spoken on TV for the first time since the coup pledging to hold a new e ...View More

Myanmar Coup: two major cities put under curfew - BBC News

Myanmar military has begun to impose restrictions in some areas, including curfews and limits to gat ...View More

Thai PBS World ( Feb 8, 2021) : Myanmar restaurant in Bangkok supports anti-coup activity

Thai PBS World ( Feb 8, 2021) : Myanmar restaurant in Bangkok supports anti-coup activity.

Myanmar military warns of ‘action’ as protests grow

Myanmar authorities have warned “action” would be taken against protesters who break the law as huge ...View More

What’s happening at the protests in Myanmar? | DW News

People across Myanmar joined a third day of demonstrations Monday, to protest the coup that removed  ...View More

Tens of thousands march in pro-democracy rallies in Myanmar

Tens of thousands of people across Myanmar are taking to the streets to protest a military coup – wh ...View More

Should international companies pull investments out of Myanmar? | Inside Story

Protests against last week's military coup in Myanmar are spreading, despite internet shutdowns and  ...View More

Myanmar protests: Thousands demand Aung San Suu Kyi's release | DW News

Tens of thousands of people continue to protest in Myanmar after a military coup almost a week ago.  ...View More

Tens of thousands protest Myanmar coup, internet blackout eased

Tens of thousands of people rallied again in Myanmar's biggest city Yangon on Sunday denouncing a mi ...View More

Myanmar army order internet shutdown after large scale protests

Myanmar's new regime shut down the internet after the military coup on February 1 sparked protests a ...View More

Australian advisor to former Myanmar leader detained after military coup

There are growing concerns over an Australian man detained in Myanmar just days after a military cou ...View More

Thousands of Myanmar protesters in standoff with police in Yangon

Thousands of people took to the streets of Yangon to denounce a military coup and demanded the relea ...View More

Myanmar's military junta blocks all internet as protests grow | DW News

Myanmar's military junta has cut off internet access across the country amid growing protests agains ...View More

Wai Hnin speaking on Al Jazeera on Mya Aye's arrest and the military coup in Burma/Myanmar

Interview on Al Jazeera on 5 February 2021 with Wai Hnin Pwint Thon concerning the military coup in  ...View More

Myanmar anti-junta protests spread, Twitter and Instagram blocked

A digital crackdown by Myanmar's military government on protesters' online presence is intensifying. ...View More

The Burma Boy l Al Jazeera Correspondent

Film by by Barnaby Phillips Barnaby Phillips follows the life of one of the forgotten heroes of Worl ...View More

Yangon witnesses biggest show of dissent, thousands march against Myanmar military | WION

The military in Myanmar is getting public resistance against the coup. The biggest dissent so far, h ...View More

US President Joe Biden announces foreign policy shift | DW News

US President Joe Biden has outlined his vision for US foreign policy. In his first major policy spee ...View More

Myanmar coup: Politicians defy military in symbolic session

Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party remains defiant after it won the electi ...View More

Myanmar coup: Diaspora community concerned for relatives

Outside of their homeland, more people from Myanmar live in Thailand than anywhere else in the world ...View More

Learn ADVANCED English Vocabulary With the BBC | Myanmar Coup

Hi students! Today we are going to look at a current event and learn some advanced English. Reading  ...View More

US President Joe Biden calls on Myanmar's military to relinquish power | World News

US President Joe Biden has said that Myanmar's military must relinquish power and that it should rel ...View More

What young Burmese fear about the Myanmar coup - BBC News

For decades Myanmar was tightly controlled by its military, and only in recent years did the country ...View More

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi charged after army coup - BBC News

Police in Myanmar have filed several charges against the elected civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi fo ...View More

Myanmar military blocks Facebook, social media as pressure grows

There are reports of more arrests in Myanmar, as protests against Monday's military coup gather pace ...View More

Myanmar military blocks Facebook as resistance to coup grows | DW News

The military has blocked Facebook in Myanmar, just a few days after taking control of the country. I ...View More

Medics in Myanmar on strike against military amid COVID-19 crisis

Public sector medical workers across Myanmar began a civil disobedience protest against Monday's cou ...View More

News Wrap: Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi charged after military coup

In our news wrap Wednesday, police in Myanmar charged ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi with possessing ...View More

Gravitas: Myanmar Citizens reach out to WION

Citizens of Myanmar are reaching out to WION with requests for help. Our Executive Editor Palki Shar ...View More

Myanmar fitness instructor accidentally captures coup unfolding - BBC News

A fitness instructor accidentally caught part of Myanmar's military coup unfolding on camera in the  ...View More

Myanmar police file charges against Aung San Suu Kyi after coup

Myanmar police have filed charges against overthrown leader Aung San Suu Kyi for illegally importing ...View More

Aerobik 'Ampun Bang Jago' saat kudeta militer Myanmar, kebetulan atau sengaja? - BBC News Indonesia

"Baku rampas tahta so pasti itu yang dorang tuju," adalah potongan lirik lagu 'Ampun Bang Jago' yang ...View More

Are you stuck in Myanmar? Let WION be your voice | Contact details in description below

Are you stuck in #Myanmar? How has the military coup trampled upon your fundamental rights? Do you h ...View More

Civil disobedience grows after Myanmar coup | DW News

Staff at dozens of hospitals across Myanmar have walked off the job to protest the military coup whi ...View More

Myanmar army chief: Military ouster was inevitable | Washington blocks aid to Myanmar | WION

Myanmar's army chief General Min Aung Hlaing said that the military ouster of Aung San Suu Kyi's gov ...View More

China blocks UN condemnation of Myanmar military coup | UN holds emergency meet on military coup

China has now gone ahead to block the UN condemnation of coup in Myanmar, as a result, the United Na ...View More

Widespread protests in Myanmar's Yangon after NLD condemns coup, calls for leaders' release.

The UN Security Council has failed to agree on a joint statement condemning Monday's coup in Myanmar ...View More

Calls for Australia to impose sanctions on Myanmar following military coup

The Australian government should consider imposing sanctions on Myanmar's military regime following  ...View More

Qué está pasando en Myanmar y por qué | BBC Mundo

Los militares tomaron el poder en Myanmar en las primeras horas del lunes y declararon el estado de  ...View More

Gravitas: Myanmar Coup: Let Wion be your voice

Are you in Myanmar? What have you seen of the coup? Do you have a story to share? Let Wion be your v ...View More

Gravitas: Is China backing Myanmar's generals?

Did China support Myanmar's military in orchestrating a coup? What's in it for Beijing? What does My ...View More

How can the international community restore democracy in Myanmar? | Inside Story

It's been criticised as 'unacceptable' and a 'serious blow to democracy' by the UN. World leaders ha ...View More

WION Fineprint: UN official Tom Andrews on Myanmar coup | Aung San Suu Kyi | English News

UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, after the country's military took ...View More